Eliminate the risk of a gas leak…

Last week, the city of Charlotte, North Carolina, was faced with a massive influx of 911 calls due to a lingering gas smell permeating a residential area. Luckily, there was no gas leak; however, people all over the city were in a panic calling emergency responders.

While the issue was quickly resolved and everyone was safe, the breaking news story was a great reminder of how alarming and disruptive the smell of natural gas can be to communities. The influx of 911 calls tied up emergency lines creating a dangerous situation for people experiencing other emergencies, not to mention taxing public resources financially.

There is a tremendous benefit for the community from a social and economic perspective if situations like this are avoided, and citizens never have to make 911 calls when they smell gas. Versiv works to eliminate the risk of this type of situation during pipeline maintenance. Our cross compression technology is proven to minimize emissions and keep communities safe from the panic caused by gas fumes, reducing the burden on Police and Fire Departments, as well as the emergency phone system.

Visit our Services page to learn more about our cross compression services.