Strategy Rooted in Safety and Reliability, Emission Reduction, Innovation, Our People and Communities
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We recognize that the movement toward a carbon-neutral future has a significant impact on the way our customers, communities, and employees think and operate – every day. Carbon neutrality in the energy industry will not be achieved overnight or by a single company; it will require innovation, partnerships, and a resilient infrastructure system. Our commitment to being a better sustainable operation and integrating Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) in all aspects of our business enables Artera, along with our customers, communities, and team members, to be part of the solution. Our strategy is rooted in Safety and Reliability, Emission Reduction, Innovation, and Our People and Communities.
It’s through these focused roots that Versiv was born.
Versiv is a new operating company within the Artera family created to support our customers on their journey to sustainable operations. Versiv’s initial service offering is cross-compression, also known as recompression, portable compression, methane capture, ventless evacuation, and the list goes on.
Why cross-compression? The answer is simple, cross-compression is a safe and innovative way to reduce carbon emissions that positively affects our people and communities. Our team at Versiv reduces emissions at the source; the process captures natural gas, historically vented to the atmosphere, and compresses it back into the pipeline.
We view this process as a win-win for our customers, and more gas remains in the pipe reducing their emission footprint. Methane has approximately a 25x higher greenhouse gas effect than CO2. Over 100 years every molecule saved can be impactful, which is why we are excited to be at the forefront of this service offering.
What are good applications for Versiv services? Activities that voluntary vent or flare methane are currently the standard operating procedure; pig launchers and receivers, hot tapping and stopping, and line replacements or upgrades.
What’s next for Versiv? Cross-compression is just the beginning for us. Our innovative infrastructure solutions will continue to grow focusing on new technologies, operational efficiencies, and field services that enable our customers to achieve their sustainability goals.
The Versiv team is excited to be part of the solution for a sustainable energy future!