“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose, by any other word would smell as sweet.”
Those famous words by William Shakespeare in Romeo and Juliet speak to the power of names and how different ones don’t always affect the meaning of what you’re describing.
At Versiv, the term we use most often to describe how we mitigate emissions is cross compression. You can see a video of our process here or check out commonly asked questions here.
Cross compression is defined as preventing the venting or releasing of natural gas into the atmosphere by utilizing specialized equipment to evacuate natural gas out of a pipeline section required to be depressurized and then recycle the natural gas back into another section of the system. This process allows us to minimize the impact of natural gas released into the atmosphere and capture gas emissions.
As we meet more and more industry partners interested in mitigating emissions during construction and maintenance of natural gas pipelines, we’re finding they use a wide variety of terms to describe the technology and process.
Here are a few other terms we’ve heard:
- Avoid Blowdown or Purges
- Methane Capture
- Greenhouse Gas Capture
- Recycle Gas
- Emissions Reduction
- Venting Recovery
- Recompression
- Natural Gas sustainability
- Temporary Compression
- Mobile Compression
- Portable Compression
- Pipeline Evacuation
What other terms are you using to describe how you mitigate emissions? We’d love to know! Visit us on Linkedin or Facebook and leave a comment to let us know.